Tips On How I Stay Organized

I have always been an organized person. I never had to be told to pick up my room because there was nothing to pick up. I give the credit to my genetics as well as my mother's example. My mom always had a picked up, clean, organized house. Even growing up, I noticed this. She even kept it organized when she babysat three children out of her home while Neil and I were in school. She could probably tell us some of HER tips for keeping a picked up and organized home, but I'm going to take a stab at it from my perspective.

1. Put things back as you use them.
I can't stress this enough. This is the main and number one tip I can give you. If you ONLY use this tip, you will improve greatly at keeping things in their place. Do not just walk into the house, room, etc. and lay down whatever is in your hands. Take it to the room it belongs in, take the time to put it away, and look around at the mess you didn't just create. Hahahaha* Okay, but seriously. I know some people are saying, "Well, I'm just too busy when I come home from work to worry about where I drop my bag of running clothes, lunchbox, mail, keys, purse, etc." I get it. I'm in a rush too when I get home from work. But trust me. Do not let things pile up! If you take the LITTLE extra time to immediately put things where they belong, you never have to go back later to pick these things up.

2. Have a spot for everything.
This tip goes hand-in-hand with #1. Label it, box it, designate it, file it.
Examples: I have a closet for fall/winter clothes and a closet for spring/summer clothes ...
we have one box with all our medicines ...
I have the refrigerator divided into sections by bins ...
I have a crate for baking in the pantry, a crate for jarred/canned items, and a crate for snacks, etc. ... we have a place to put our mail and our keys.
I could go on. Set up designated places for items so there is no question to where something goes! If there must be chaos, keep it contained: a specific junk drawer, one side of the refrigerator that has some clutter for planning, a drawer for receipts...

3. If you bring something in, take something out.
If I find something I love that I want to buy for our home, I am already thinking about what item IN our home that I can take out. I'm constantly pulling things out of our house to de-clutter and just "get rid of," sell, or donate. If I can't think of what I could get rid of to bring something new in, I usually do not buy it. Hoarding is not something I do. If I haven't used an item in the kitchen in a year ... gone. If I haven't worn an item of clothing that entire season ... see you later. It also makes room for things you want to eventually bring in. If you constantly look around your house and see things that aren't being used or are taking up space, consider donating it or selling it. It's just an item, after all!

4. Constantly shift things.
This is also something I did growing up. My room never stayed in the same arrangement for long. When I would shift and rearrange things, I would also get rid of items. Because when you start rearranging ... you open drawers, look through shelves, and realize you may not need #AllOfTheThings. When you shift anything in a room, it forces you to look through the items you are moving; and, in turn, it forces you to then ask the question, "Do I need this?" Our house has only been rearranged a couple of times, but because it is so small and cozy, where things are right now just works really well for us. That does not stop me from changing little things around. Switching "surface items," shifting pictures, or changing the use of a piece of furniture are just a few things that I constantly do. It also gives you a sense of freshness or "newness" all over again. I love that.

5. Keep in mind that a house is made to live in.
Yes, staying organized and having a welcoming home is always nice, relaxing, and a relief. I usually never have to worry if I have a random "drop-in" visitor. One big thing I always have to remind myself of is that our home can looked lived in every once in a while.
Our range bags can lay against the wall of our bedroom.
A blanket can be thrown across the couch with the remotes.
There can be dishes in the sink every once in a while.
Stacks of laundry can sit waiting to put away for a day.
It will get done. This is the hardest tip for me, but I'm getting better at letting things slide now and then. (But seriously ... don't let it slide for long. 😉)


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