Love - xoxo

Already feeling so much love for baby Aryl Hannah. We already love your sweet parents, but we can't wait to meet and love you!


I pray you get your parents' work ethic, determination, joy, and energy. Your mother's sweet soul. Your daddy's love of animals. Your momma's smile. Your dad's laugh. You will be loved, but disciplined. Looked after, but free to try new things. Encouraged, but told no. Your parents are one of the best, my favorites. Just as you will be. You are so blessed, and what a beautiful lady you will become! Before God formed you in the womb, He knew you. He loves you so. I can't wait for make believe and fireflies. Tea parties and go-kart rides. Reading time and art supplies. Continue to grow, mold, and shape into the wonderful little person who is "you!"

See you soon.


  1. Lovely! I know she will be such a blessing to have around once she gets here! Aunt CC will be the best!


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