Welcome to the World

For those of you who have been checking in every once in a while, you probably know that I have been posting about my niece, Aryl, since we found out she was coming. I like to have an archive of sweet pictures and moments to look back on, and what better place than here?! From finding out she was a girl ... to baby showers, nursery tours, and maternity pictures - I have been trying to keep up.

Well ... on August 3, 2019 at 1:01 in the morning, my brother and sister-in-law's first daughter was finally born! Whoo-hoo! Sarah was induced at 6:15 on Friday morning (8/2). From that moment on, it was a long, full day of waiting for the little lady.

The wait was finally over late into Friday night-early Saturday morning. We got to meet her after Neil and Sarah's "Sacred Hour." Then all the family went their separate ways home and crashed into bed.

Although we had a late night/early morning, early the next morning (and the rest of the weekend) was spent visiting and getting to know the newest member of the family. It was so sweet and exciting.

Home sweet home! Once they got settled into a routine, Neil and Sarah asked if I would snap some (many) newborn pictures of Aryl in their adorable nursery and home. Link is still on the fence about the "creature" they brought home.

All in all, I'm in love with my little niece. She is so precious and special. I can't wait to watch her parents raise her. The years just got a lot more fun! I can guarantee that I will be posting more pictures of Aryl on here, but the "pregnancy journey" is over. Welcome to the world!


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