Books :: January + February
I used to read ALL the time. I would devour book after book, filling all my free time with one in hand. I have realized in the years I've been married that I have no time to just sit and read a book. Literally. I have to squeeze in a little reading here and there. I follow "readers" on blogs and Goodreads who read 11+ books a month, and I think, "How?!" Maybe blogging and reviewing books is their job ... I don't know! All I know is that I would never be able to do that without letting my house, laundry, and health go down the drain.
Therefore ... I only finished TWO books in January. I have a review for The Return of the King HERE. I also finished This Savage Song towards the end of January as well. I am currently still reading The Inquisition (the second book in this trilogy), It's Not Supposed to Be This Way, and Exit Strategy.
One tip I have for getting the most out of your time and fitting in reading: always be reading three books at a time. I know this sounds crazy! But here is how I do it... I always read:
1. A physical book.
2. An electronic book (Kindle app).
3. A self-help or spiritual book (can be physical or electronic).
I'm obsessed with fiction books. I don't read a LOT of nonfiction unless it's a self-help or spiritual book. So ... I always like to be reading one fiction book and one self-help. I add an electronic book because I can read it anywhere.
In the doctor's office while I'm waiting ... in the car when my husband runs into Lowe's to grab some supplies for work ... in a restaurant when I'm by myself, waiting for my food. I just have the Kindle app on my phone or on my tablet in my purse! It's so much easier than carrying a physical book around 24/7... and you still get some reading done!
Example for this month:
1. Physical book - The Inquisition
2. Electronic book - Exit Strategy
3. Self-help/spiritual book - It's Not Supposed to Be This Way
1. The Return of the King - I loved it. So much so, I've already written a review for it: linked above.
2. This Savage Song - The backstory on this book: I work in a high school library as a media assistant. This book was suggested by multiple sites and students, so we added it to our collection. I get daily e-mails from Kindle, letting me know of all the deals happening that specific day. This book was one of the deals this past January! I knew it was in our library, and I like to read YA books that we offer to the students. So I downloaded it. It was actually a really interesting and intriguing book! It is a dystopian/apocalyptic novel like I've never read before. Instead of zombies, cult-like societies, or vampires ... there are monsters. And not from some science-project-gone-wrong or a change in the weather. These monsters are created from crime... humans' crimes! It started happening all of a sudden. Someone commits a murder, he/she creates a monster. Someone sets off a bomb in a school, he/she creates a monster. There are specific monsters to specific crimes. These monsters start to get out of control from all the crime in the world, so decisions need to be made. There are two parts to the city: one side tries to keep and control the monsters, and one side fights against them. Needless to say, I will be on the lookout for a deal on the second book in this "duology!" If a deal doesn't come around ... I will probably end up buying it regardless. I need to know the ending!
3. It's Not Supposed to Be This Way - The backstory is simple. I love Lysa Terkeurst as an author and respect her as a person. I read one of her books a few years ago while on a vacation to the mountains called The Best Yes. Her writing style flows so easily. She doesn't talk "over your head." She gets her message across beautifully. I've just started reading this latest book, and am looking forward to her insight and message from the Lord. "Finding unexpected strength when disappointments leave you shattered."
4. The Inquisition - This backstory is special because my brother picked this book series out for me! I got The Novice for Christmas from him (and my sister-in-law) in 2017, and had just gotten around to reading it (again. not a lot of time for books these days). Now I am on book two, and I like it just as much. The book is described as a cross between Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings (which is why my brother picked it for me because I love both of those). There is a school for those people who have magic/power within them. They can summon. Usually they come from a pure bloodline and are nobles, but this story focuses on a boy who's a "nobody" who finds out that he can summon. Being on the outside in life AND in this new school, he has to prove himself constantly. There is war brewing. A power struggle. Orcs. Magic. What's not to love?
5. Exit Strategy - This was another suggested "Kindle deal" for me. I read a lot of crime/detective/suspense novels, and so Kindle suggested YET ANOTHER. The book focuses on ex-cop Nadia Stafford, who still has the itch to right wrongs. So she's a contracted killer. She still takes down bad guys but without the badge. Now there's a serial killer on the loose, and the hitmen (and women) are banding together to take him down. So far, it's been interesting!
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