Clark's Nursery Reveal

We are finally down to ONE. WEEK. AWAY. (unless my water breaks) until meeting baby Clark. We are excited and nervous, but are looking forward to meeting this next member of the family. It took us a little longer this time, but we have finally finished up Clark's nursery. We decided that instead of dismantling Justin's music room, we would just shift some things around, add a crib and some behind-the-door storage, and dub the theme of the nursery: music! Hahaha* I still think it looks like a sweet, little nursery and am excited to see how it works out. As we found out with Max, babies don't need a lot of room.

Here are a few pictures of the space:

Here are the links to some of the items if anyone is interested:

We can't wait to meet you, little one! Thanks for holding off this long. We are hoping and praying Max is going to be a wonderful big brother. xoxo


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