Max's First Birthday

Max's first birthday was Friday, August 27th. I ended up taking the day off from work so that we could spend it with our little guy. We didn't do anything really crazy for it, but we wanted to just do some little things for him. We let him sleep in, first of all. The kid loves sleep ... he didn't wake up until 9:33ish. Once he started to rouse, Justin and I woke him up with pancakes, a candle, and the birthday song. He was so excited! He has had many pancakes in the past but has always had them plain. This was the first time he had them with butter and syrup because we wanted to make it special ... he LOVED it and couldn't eat them fast enough. Then we did gifts, gift setup and unpackaging, and changing Max for the day. Around his nap time, we drove to town to do some last-minute party pickup. He took his nap on the go. Then it was play time, mac & cheese for lunch, and more play time until the evening when we went to Justin's parents' house for *Justin's* birthday dinner. Their birthdays are only a couple days apart. I think he had a very full and fun actual birthday day!

These pictures below we just took the weekend before his birthday while the weather was nice. He was loving getting to walk around in the woods on the trails. I got his outfit from this Etsy shop, the crown from here, and the shoes from here.


Max had his first birthday party this past weekend as well! We just had our parents and siblings come for a small get together on Saturday. Food, cake, gifts, and a little mini pool time for the cousins. It was a fun (but hot) day! So so thankful that everything worked out, the weather was good, and that Max had a fun time. My in-laws and Myra helped so much before the party while I had work ... lawn and yard work, handling Justin's birthday dinner, and picking up some of the prep. Justin did so much on the day of: some of the heavy lifting, Max-watching until party time, and food/cake pickup. Then my parents helped with day of last-minute deliveries and mom, Neil, and Sarah helped with cleanup. I feel like even though I did a lot of prepping and cleanup, I still got to do the "fun part" on the day of by decorating and setting everything up. So thankful for the willingness to help from others.

Some links for the interested:
The rest of the themed décor was leftover things that my mom and Sarah had gotten for my baby shower: the welcome banner, gold crown for the adult cake, mini Max plush, and the straws for the drinks. The rest of the greenery, moss, and leaves were literally all from my mom. She had a ton from other events we have done!


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