Max's 9-12 Month Update: A Year Old!

Max is officially a one-year-old! It is WILD to think about. I feel like him being a baby was such a long time ago. What they say is true ... time really does fly. Especially when you have a child. This is my last update of his first year!


Max is going to start weaning off a "bottle" soon and move to a regular "sippy cup." Right now, however, the only thing that has changed is that he is now drinking whole milk instead of formula! His last 9-12 month eating schedule was REALLY loose with me because... summer! I let him sleep in every day unless we had plans, so he ate whenever he woke up.
  • 8 oz. bottle whenever he woke up.
  • 8 oz. bottles every 4 hours after that.
  • Snacks galore.
  • Shared whatever food I was eating that he could also eat.
  • If he's not able to have what we are eating, I just use these Gerber meals.
His snacks include: puffsteether crispspeanut butter puffs, and whatever we are eating that he can eat easily. He is literally obsessed with food, which is hilarious. If he hears the refrigerator open, a bag crinkle, a lid getting taken off ... buddy, he's there and begging. I am loving this stage because it makes going to a restaurant soooo much easier because we just order things that he can share with us.

He has also gotten an extra tooth on the bottom ... so seven teeth total now!


Max is still an amazing sleeping machine. Before I got out for the summer (I work at a high school), Max was taking two naps. I would wake him up at the last minute in the mornings to take him to either grandparents' house, trying to aim for 6:50. So he would take two naps at the grandparents' house in the morning and then the afternoon.

Well, this summer, Max would sleep in until 8:00 ... 9:00 ... 9:30 ... sometimes I even woke him up close to 10:00 (didn't want him sleeping TOO long and then not sleeping during the day any). I just let it happen because obviously he needed the extra rest! So Max was only taking one long nap a day in the summer with me. The nap was usually 2-3 hours.

Baths are still a part of the evening routine now, plus brushing his teeth. So, in a nutshell:
  • Last bottle and food sometime in the evening.
  • Playtime
  • 8:00 bath/shower and brush his teeth.
  • 8:10 getting ready for bed: sleeper, lotion, fresh diaper.
  • 8:15 reading time until 8:25.
  • 8:25 say goodnight to daddy and start singing our songs.
  • 8:30 he's down for the night. **Of course, all of these times are "around that time." None of it is hardcore set in stone apart from him going to bed at 8:30.**
Also, there were many occasions this summer where Max stayed up late. Visiting friends or family late, letting him stay up for fireworks, going out as a family, etc. It was no big deal.


Max has gotten the hang of walking! He LOVES walking all over! Sometimes he prefers to hold one hand so he can basically run. But for the most part, he is walking like he's been doing it forever. We are so proud of him! We bought him a couple pairs of slide-on Nike sneakers because he wants to walk outside as well.

He is into everything. He loves stroller rides, walking, eating, and books. He is very observant and catches on to things quickly. Ma-ma, da-da, Nana, "sss" when we ask what the snake says, and the occasional "Saucy" for Uncle Saucy are his favorite things to repeat/say. He knows what we mean when we ask him questions like, "Do you want a bath?" "Are you hungry?" or "Do you want to read books?" In fact, I have to ask him if he wants to read books to get him out of the bath sometimes! He doesn't want to get out, but the minute I say, "Want to read Peter Pan?" he's out in a hurry. :)

Some of Max's 9-12 milestones are:
  • 5/30 - Brushing teeth became part of the bedtime routine.
  • 6/6 - Learned to "share" food with daddy.
  • 6/10 - Easily eating soft "whole" things, like an entire waffle.
  • 6/13 - First time in a "big pool."
  • 6/15 - First time pooping in the tub.
  • 7/5 - Consistently waving hello and goodbye.
  • 7/8 - Says "Ma-ma" and "Da-da" easily, along with a handful of other words.
  • 7/16 - First few steps on his own!
  • 7/31 - First time to a playground.
  • 8/5 - First time trying on tennis shoes in the store.
  • 8/7 - First time having whole milk instead of formula.
  • 8/7 - Got his first pair of boots.
  • 8/10 - First day of walking all over consistently without help!

Max, you are exciting, smart, funny, cute, and sweet! This first year of your life has been so special to us and has taught us a lot. I wouldn't change anything: the laughter, the tears, the exhaustion, the smiles, the adventures. I can't wait to see what this next year holds for you. I hope you always have that constant curiosity and awe about everything. You make me see everything with new eyes. We love you, little one, and you better NEVER forget it! xoxo


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