Max's 3-6 Month Update

I CAN'T believe that Max has been "on the outside" for HALF A YEAR! Our little baby boy is now a very big and chunky 6 month old! On one hand, it feels like it's taken forever ... on the other, it was so so fast. My last update (0-3 months) was definitely long-winded because it was the first real update since he was born. Hopefully this one will come more easily!


Max still has his normal four bottles a day, but he is drinking 8 ounces at a time. However, now he is eating baby food once a day in the evenings before his final bottle. It has been soooo fun watching him try food. He. Loves. Eating. He has liked every single thing we have given him. Which hasn't been a lot: pumpkin, butternut squash, green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, and prunes. I have been really trying to hold off on the fruit for now, but prunes have been his little "dessert" once he's done with his normal food. He has finally gotten the hang of the spoon and opens his mouth SO wide when he's ready for the next bite. It's hilarious!

So the schedule is still:

  • 7:00 bottle
  • 11:00 bottle
  • 3:00 bottle
  • 6:40 - baby food time (so far, I've only bought this brand of baby food)
  • 6:50/7:00 - final bottle
(or anywhere around those times)

Soon, we will move up to him having food more than once a day since he can eat an entire jar in one sitting!


Max is still (and always has been) a VERY good sleeper. He fights his last nap of the day, but he's always been a good night sleeper. He is still easily sleeping through the night unless he feels bad. Even then, it's just an occasional soothing, and he goes right back to sleep. He's still in a wrap for now, but he's getting too long for the ones we love. They don't make that kind of "wrap" in a bigger size, so we will see if the wraps are over or if he likes a different kind of sleep sack! He also now prefers to sleep on his side/tummy. He's been immediately flipping over when I lay him down on his back.

His nighttime routine is still the same from his 0-3 month update, even though we have been inching his bedtime from 9:00 to 8:30. Even when we put him down at 8:30, he rolls around, talks, and plays in the crib until closer to 9:00, so I'm just letting it happen. When time change comes is when we will really have to buckle down.

Another minor change in the bedtime routine is that he is now obsessed with showers instead of his bath. He always loved his bath, but we decided to let him shower with Justin (just for fun) one night. Nope. He loved it so much that he now starts throwing his body towards the shower curtain when the water comes on. It's so fun.

Temperament & Activity

He is still the happiest boy in the world (unless he's sick). He loves to see me or his daddy after his days with either set of grandpeeps. He throws his body and has started to lean towards people when he wants them (yet another thing that is freaking adorable).

He talks nonstop and is rolling allll over the place. He has also started to do the "inchworm" where he sticks his bottom up in the air and then pushes forward. Many-a-day I have walked by the living room while doing chores and he was WAY off the mat in the middle of the floor. I can't wait until he starts moving around easily! My all-time favorite stage is when they can start getting more mobile and independent. I am looking forward to the day when I am not his sole method of transportation. He can also sit up independently for a good stretch of time. Lastly, I am VERY happy to say that he has finally started to like me reading to him. I read to him while he was in my belly and once he was out as a very tiny baby. However, once he got more aware of everything, he'd hate if I sat down to read to him. Now he is very interested in the pages and colors while I'm reading, so I'm relieved. Haha* Hoping he'll be a reader like me!

I guess I can include some highlights:
  • November 28, 2020 - met his Nan (great-grandma) for the first time
  • December 5 - started sleeping on his side
  • December 28 - rolled tummy-to-back
  • January 6, 2021 - first time eating food
  • January 12 - rolled back-to-tummy
  • January 31-February 2 - slowly started sitting independently for short stretches
  • February 13 - found out his new cousin is a boy!
  • February 13 & 14 - first two nights away from mom and dad since he was born
  • February 16 - first shower
  • February 20 - sitting up pretty easily

We are in love with this little boy and have been so blessed to call him ours! He sometimes drives us crazy, but it doesn't take long for him to give us a smile and melt our hearts all over again. Happy 1/2 Birthday to our Max!


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