Easter 2020 ... A Little Different

Easter was a little different this year ... okay, a LOT different! Other than Thanksgiving, Easter is another big holiday in our family. A couple of the extended families usually come in from out-of-state and some come from further away in GA. We have a huge meal after Sunday services, an Easter egg hunt for the "little cousins" (it used to be for the "older cousins," but babies have been born!), and then spend the rest of the day hanging out, playing games, breaking out the food again, and eating candy.

This year ... Easter was quiet. It was still. It actually allowed us to slow down and really remember and respect what the holiday is really about: Christ coming back from the grave after saving us all on the cross. We got dressed up anyway and headed to my parents' house (one of the only sets of people I can still see during this season of isolation) for Easter lunch. Delicious, as usual! Thanks, mom! I made two bunny cakes from this recipe on Pinterest. I'd never made a cake before, so I was pleased with the result! Afterwards, the men took naps (it was only me, Justin, mom, and dad) and mom and I played Scrabble and Phase 10.

Then it was time to head to Justin's parents' house (the other set of people we have been around) for Easter dinner. It was delicious as well, but I was FULL from eating all day long. So it was my turn for a nap ... then we headed home.

All in all, it was still a good day, albeit quiet and rainy. Still so so thankful for continued health, the people who are still out in the workforce instead of working from home, and God having His hand in all of this.

Hope your Easter was wonderful! xoxo


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