Whatever Charlotte Says

I've been looking forward to this weekend for a while. My friend Anna was coming from Alabama and bringing her daughter, Charlotte! I hadn't seen Charlotte for a while, so I was extra excited.

Our plan was to just get together at my house, but when Anna asked Charlotte if she was excited to see Aunt CC, Charlotte's reply was, "Yes! CC's taking me to the zoo!" (This was not the plan, but hey.) Her mom replied, "I don't think she's taking you to the zoo." Charlotte: "But she's taking me to the zoo!"

What else needs to be said? I was going to flipping take her to the Bear Hollow Zoo.

Whatever Charlotte says. Haha*

When I met up with them to ride to the zoo, Charlotte was fast asleep. So we decided to do drive-thru coffee and let her get some shut-eye on the way while we caught up. When we finally got there, Anna woke her up and asked her if she wanted to go to the zoo. Her eyes shot open, and she yelled, "Yes!" Then Anna said, "Guess who's here??" (I was still hiding behind the front seat.) I peeked around and said, "Hello!"

My heart.

Charlotte let out a scream and then yelled, "It's YOU!!! I LOVE YOU!!!"

Needless to say, she had me wrapped around her little finger the rest of the day. We had a fun time at the zoo, and her mom and I had a good time catching up and taking it easy on a Saturday afternoon. I'm thankful for any little moment!


  1. So sweet! I love the pictures! AND YOU! haha and so does Charlotte! Thank you so much for spending time with us!!


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