Wreath-Making Party 2018

Happy December! Today is December first, and to kick off the Christmas season of decorating ... I hosted my 2nd annual Wreath-Making Party. Click here to see last year's party.

I didn't take as many pictures during the process; I was more hands-on this year! But I've included some pictures of the space, details, snacks, and finished products!

I just love to see all the wreaths finished and complete. I love seeing all the differences and beauty. They reflect personalities, style, themes, and so much more. I hope all the guests enjoy making them as much as I like WATCHING them make them. ;)

Sausage Cheese Puffs (recipe is pictured below)
Cookies are - of course - by A Cookie Occasion!
Donuts, cinnamon rolls, and muffins.
Coffee + juices.

Sweetest little hostess gift from Sarah!

Thanks to everyone who could make it! And for everyone who had a hand in helping!


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