Year Two + California

I can't believe that yet another year has gone by ... today is my husband's and my Two-Year Anniversary. Another challenge-filled as well as fun-filled year has passed. I am so thankful for a strong, yet sweet husband who takes his role of providing and protecting seriously. I am a blessed wife.

This year for our anniversary trip/vacation, our aunt and uncle in Northern California were generous enough to host us! We are so thankful for them and all they did for us. We had such a fantastic time, and got to see a lot in a week!

Our first day there, we got a hotel in Sacramento and got up early to watch a professional bike race ... the Tour of California. We left right after and made it to Redding for the evening.

The cyclist/racer on Justin's shirt (below) is the racer above on the right side of the photo. So cool!

The next few days were so fun. Hanging out at their beautiful house ... going to the Sundial Bridge and brunch ... having a lake day at Shasta Lake ...

Then we took a trip with my aunt to the coast. We got to go to Patrick's Point, the Redwood State Park, and Agate Beach.

The nature was beautiful! There were some sights to see for sure! We can't wait to go back and experience the things we missed this time around.


  1. Wow! What beautiful pictures!! Love them all! Glad you had a great trip! Happy 2-year anniversary to you and your "Manbabe"! :)


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