Clark's 9-12 Month Update: A Year Old!

Clark is officially a one-year-old! How?? I can't believe this is the last update of his first year of life. It seems to have gone by even faster than with Max ... probably because there are two energetic boys running around instead of one. Either way, I'm super excited to finalize this last phase of Clark's first year. Let's get to it!


Clark is just an eater. He just is. Just like with Max, he eats everything we are eating. He begs if we have something. He hasn't met a food he doesn't like. That changed later with our first, so I'm curious to see if it will change with him. So far, there's no end in sight to what he loves.

His everyday snacks include: puffsteether crispspeanut butter puffs, and whatever we are eating that he can eat easily. Food is usually a good babysitter when I need to get something done really quick. Haha* He moves at the speed of light when he sees a snack.

He also still has four bottles a day, but has been drinking whole milk instead of formula for this last month! He loves it.


Clark is still an amazing sleeping machine: still loves his naps, still loves to go to bed.

Since Clark is Mr. Get-Into-Everything now, baths are a solid part of the evening routine now. So, in a nutshell:
  • Evening playtime and maybe a jar of food/his own plate from whatever I cooked.
  • 7:30 bath
  • If no bath ... start the "getting ready" process at 7:50
  • Getting ready process: fresh diaper, lotion, sleeper, shut doors, turn on sound machine.
  • 7:55-8:00 bottle
  • 8:15 he's down for the night after goodnights and singing. Fun fact: he sometimes doesn't even want us to sing; he just immediately leans for the crib.
Also, these times are definitely loose; sometimes if he's moody and ready for bed ... he goes to bed early, and the process starts early. Sometimes we let him stay up later. Sometimes we have something going on or friends over, so it just depends on the night. BUT this is his basic routine for regular, every-day evenings.


Clark has not walked as fast as Max did. Mainly because he LOVES being cuddled, toted, and carried around. Haha* He is lightning fast at crawling, and he stands a lot with no need to hold on to anything. He just doesn't often take a step from that standing position. I feel like he will walk very soon, but as of right now ... he's still just standing and "walking" along the furniture. He also loves to walk while holding on to something that rolls - so he's getting a lot of practice by walking with Max's Paw Patrol ride-on toy!

He is into everything. He loves outside, stroller rides, walking, eating, water, and books. He is very observant and catches on to things quickly, especially while paying attention to big brother. He says "da-da," "ma-ma" (especially when he's crying or sad ... imagine that), "hi," and shakes his head "no." He also waves while he's yelling, "Hi!" It's the cutest thing. He's testing the limits with crawling on top of things ... aka ... CLIMBING. He's giving me mini heart attacks. He is one of the most determined little boys I know. He will not give up if he really wants something and does not take "no" for an answer. I mean, he's going to have to learn to take it for an answer sometimes, but at the moment ... it makes him very sad.

Some of Clark's 9-12 milestones are:
  • 2/25 - Can repeat "Da-Da" and "Oooo!" to us.
  • 3/14 - Easily pulling up and walking along the furniture by now. Still holding on, but walking better and better.
  • 3/18 - Begging from anything and everything we are eating. You love real food!
  • 3/28 - Starts standing without help; sometimes for a long time!
  • 4/9 - Can wave and say, "Hi!" and "Bye!"
  • 5/2 - Started consistently "walking" with a walker (Paw Patrol car). You love for us to line it up for you so you can push it and walk all over.
  • 5/17 - First (very) long stretch of walking! At least ten steps.
  • 5/19 - Can repeat "Ma-Ma," and says it on his own when upset. Go figure!
  • 5/21 - First birthday party.

Clark, you are driven, smart, hilarious, adorable, serious and sweet! This first year of your life has been so special to us and has taught us a lot. I wouldn't change anything: the laughter, the tears, the exhaustion, the smiles, the adventures ... and there were definitely a LOT of each of those categories. I can't wait to see what this next year holds for you. I hope you always have that constant curiosity and awe about everything. You make me see everything with new eyes. We love you, little one, and you better NEVER forget it! xoxo


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