Clark's 6-9 Month Update

Wow ... I can't believe we are 3/4 done with Clark's first year! The next time I post about his 9-12, he will be a YEAR OLD. Time has flown by for sure... it's always an adventure.


Clark is still on the same bottle schedule:
  • 8:00 bottle - 8 oz.
  • 12:00 bottle - 8 oz.
  • Baby food jar
  • 4:00 bottle - 8 oz.
  • Baby food jar
  • 8:00 bottle - 8 oz.
At this point with Max, he was eating a few little things like puffs and wafers, but we have not had Clark's "official" 9 month appointment yet, so I don't want to do anything until we have that confirmation. But I can already tell ... this child is going to love eating anything and everything! He. Loves. His. Food.

He has also gotten an extra tooth on the bottom, so he is up to seven total!


Clark is still a champ at sleeping. He takes his 2-3 naps during the day and is ready to go to bed a little after his 8:00 bottle.

Since he is crawling, pulling up, and "walking" from surface to surface now, he is definitely exhausted for his bedtime. I feel bad that I have little to say about his sleeping, but he is just on track and always ready for his down time. Unless, of course, he is having lots of fun (even though he's rubbing his eyes and laying his head down). Then he might be a little sad to take his nap. Haha*


Clark is alllll over the place. Once he picked up crawling and sitting up, it was all over. Now he his pulling up on every and any surface, grabbing things to immediately put in his mouth, and loving being moved around. He gets annoyed when we can't just put him down because he wants to be go, go, go!

He still loves a lot of the same things: being outside, stroller rides, eating, the theme song/intro song to Paw Patrol, bright colors and lights, pots and pans, and things that crinkle. He has started to make the "O" shape with his mouth and says, "Oooo!" whenever he is amazed by something. He also has started to say "Da-Da." Justin claims this is his first word, but I'm not going to count it until he makes the official connection!

Some of Clark's milestones are:
  • 1/3 - I can sit up pretty well now!
  • 1/6 - I can crawl!
  • 1/16 - First time trying banana.
  • 1/22 - I've got six teeth!
  • 1/23 - First "big boy" bath with brother.
  • 2/11 - I am pulling up on everything and standing.
  • 2/22 - I am saying "Ooo" when I'm amazed and have been practicing saying "Da-Da."

I still can't believe that Clark will be a YEAR in May, but it's coming ... so I better start believing it. He is a sweet, stubborn, cute, funny, chubby little guy with a big attitude and a determination to be right with his big brother. I hope that they are going to be best buds. Clark, we have loved these months with you - watching you grow, learn, and become ... "you!"


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