Clark's 3-6 Month Update

I can NOT believe that Clark is HALF A YEAR old! Our little baby boy is now a VERY big and chunky 6 month old! Yep. He's 6 months old and is in 12 month clothing. How?? The kid likes to chow down ... which leads me to the first section.


Clark still has his normal four bottles a day, but he is drinking 8 ounces at a time. He has started to eat some baby food. I'll be honest ... my father-in-law has been the one giving him MOST of his stage one baby food during the day while I'm at work. Justin and I have fed him some in the evenings (and it's soooo fun watching him try food. He. Loves. Eating.), but a lot of the time we are really busy with Max. We need to get better about that! He has liked every single thing we have given him, but he *loves* green beans. WHAT? Haha* Other food he has tried: pumpkin, butternut squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, and I have prunes at-the-ready if he gets constipated (haha*). I usually don't give fruits very often, if at all. I think Max's first fruit was a real banana pressed into one of these baby food teether things, so maybe that will be Clark's first too!

So the bottle schedule is still:

  • 8:00, 8:30, or 9:00am bottle
  • 12:00, 12:30, or 1:00 bottle (jar of food)
  • 4:00, 4:30, or 5:00 bottle (jar of food)
  • 8:00, 8:30, or 9:00 final bottle (possible jar of food)
(or anywhere around those times)

Also, he got his first two bottom teeth on November 20th! Our doctor said that was a little early, but not uncommon. Wow!


Even though Clark gave me a RUN FOR MY MONEY his first two months, he started sleeping through the night consistently at 2 months. He is still a VERY good sleeper. We know when he is ready for his naps during the day because he gets very very angry and rubs at his face and eyes. He still gets 3-4 naps a day. Fewer if the naps are longer ... more if they are shorter spurts.

His nighttime routine is still the same from his 0-3 month update. He's the bedtime champ. Once we go through all the "cues" for bedtime, he just settles down. Occasionally, there will be some playing and lots of talking to himself, but I usually don't have to go back in until morning to wake him up.

Max started taking showers with Justin at this age, so maybe we will attempt that soon! He still gets his bath in our big kitchen sink.

Temperament & Activity

This kid is usually smiling and happy, but buddy ... he can flip a switch! If he's been in the car seat too long, wants to be held and walked around, or gets walked by without you saying something to him - get ready for the scream. It always sounds like his little heart has been broken.

He has hit every milestone VERY early, just like Max. Most of them he's hit before even Max did (which is impressive), but the one that he's not the best at yet is sitting up. He will stand in his truck walker and the doorway jumper all day long! But when you put him in the sitting position, he immediately wants to straighten himself out. I think he will catch on very soon, though. He is also getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth. He is so close to starting to move, I can feel it!

Here are some highlights:
  • August 27, 2022 - First BIG giggles.
  • September 19, 2022 - Getting good at holding his head up for long periods of time while on his tummy.
  • September 27, 2022 - First trip to the fair.
  • October 30, 2022 - First time eating baby food.
  • November 10, 2022 - First time in the red truck walker. Loves it!
  • November 20, 2022 - First two bottom teeth!

We are in love with this little boy and have been so blessed to call him ours! He can drive us a little crazy sometimes when his feelings are hurt, but he melts us all over again later. Happy 1/2 Birthday to our Clark!


  1. Just love having a little part of his adventures! Well described 6 month outline of this little ( understatement ) dude ! Love him !


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