Baby Ash #2

I am a little (okay, a LOT) behind on posting about this exciting news, but Max is going to be a big brother! We are expecting another little boy in May 2022. Justin and I had decided to try for a May baby so that I wouldn't have to take all my sick days for maternity leave (like last time). This might have been a selfish reason, but it was one I worried about. We prayed, talked about it, and decided that if God wanted us to have a baby THIS upcoming May, it was meant to be. However, if we didn't get pregnant in that window of time, we were going to "kick it back" another year to try again. Well, God said it was His timing, so ... Baby Ash #2, here we come!

Are we nervous? Yes. Are we excited? Yes. I have quickly discovered that we can be both. Nervous because it's a whole new ball game with two instead of one. Two kids under two years old is going to be tough. We are starting over again with the "lack of sleep" game for the first few months. Excited because we are having them close together and hoping that THEY will be close buddies. Max will have a little brother to teach all of his tricks to (and he has tricks!). Our family will be complete unless we decide to adopt down the road (fingers crossed).

Cravings this time around: Steak, steak, steak ... and sour things. Haha*

Here are just a few pictures of the pregnancy so far!


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