It's a ...

Well, Saturday was the day! We found out that we are having a ... baby boy! I'm very excited about this news. I would have been very happy either way, but a boy is what I've always imagined. I guess I've always thought that since I was a tomboy and loved (still love) being outside, watching superhero and action movies galore, building forts, riding go-karts, playing in the creek, catching frogs and bugs, fishing, playing video games ... that I would make a pretty good "boy mom." My mom always encouraged me to play outside and use my imagination. My dad taught me how to spiral a football, catch a baseball, and chop firewood. I also grew up with a brother, and all the cousins around my age were boys. So I guess you could say I got it honest.

Don't get me wrong, I now like to dress up, decorate, throw an event, or have ladies' days on occasion. I'm happy to be a woman. I just feel more comfortable now that I know I'm starting out with a little boy. Maybe a girl in the future?? (I love all of the little ladies in my life ... what would I do without them?💗)

Enough about random details and excitement ... a little bit about the day! It was really simple. We just wanted our parents and siblings to be there. My parents let us host at their place (again). It seems like I'm always throwing something there for some reason or another. First, it was the house renovation. Saturday, it was because my husband wanted to shoot balloons full of colored powder and confetti. We definitely can't shoot anything on the main "city street" where we live, however small the town is. Justin's parents offered to pick up the BBQ. My sister-in-law, Sarah, took the pictures with my phone. My mom and dad also did separate videos. Our friend, Luke, was the one who filled the balloons and got them ready to shoot.

It was a fun day finding out what our little family member would be at the same time as our families!


  1. So very excited for Baby Boy Ash!!! 💙💙💙💙


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