30-Day Photo Challenge // Part Three

Whoo-hoo! I have finally finished the 30-Day Photo Challenge (Part 1 + Part 2 here) from my parents. (Who said the challenge had to be done in a consecutive thirty days, right?!) Plus ... the very last challenge was #travel. REALLY?! I'm working now (summer is over), so the "travel" bit would have had to be a throwback unless I waited until my mini fall break (just ended). We just traveled back from visiting Justin's sister in FL, so I finally was able to check "travel" off the list. I'm now done!

PS: Spoiler ... there's a challenge word "hotel." Well ... I chose to take a picture of the "Homer Cat Hotel." Where any and all cats can come and stay a while. You can't judge me on this picture. 1. I had a hard time remembering to snap a picture of a random hotel in town. 2. I was trying to be unique and interesting. 3. Cat hotel. Enough said.


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