Wreath-Making Party.

December is here. Although the Christmas season is FULL of hustle and bustle, occasional stress, and drama about finding the perfect gift ... there are a few upsides.

The celebration of Jesus coming to the world to save us is number one! The cozy Christmas lights. Hot chocolate, cider, and coffee on demand because it is starting to get cooler (even in GA). The spirit of GIVING - not just receiving. Also ... get-togethers and parties with family and friends. My calendar is already filling up with sweet invitations to celebrate this past year.

Yesterday, I hosted my first-ever "Wreath-Making Party." I had gotten the inspiration from Mingle magazine (a wonderful "idea starter kit" suggested to me by a thoughtful friend!).

However, once I mailed out the invitations ... I started to get nervous. How much fresh greenery will I need? Will I run out? Which wreath bases will be the most popular? Will people even want to make a wreath? Is my house too small? How will I get all this prepping done?  Yes, I tend to worry.

In the end, I had a group of patient ladies who came and made wonderfully unique creations! They were all so beautiful, yet so different. It reminded me, yet again, about just how different, beautiful, and special God made each and every one of us. So many different personalities came together yesterday, and those personalities were reflected in the way they created.

Thanks to Lowe's and Home Depot for giving away (for FREE) all the leftover Christmas tree trimmings, to A Cookie Occasion for always going above and beyond with the cookie making/decorating skills, and all the ladies who came and brought sweet gifts that I love! A special thanks to my mom for assisting me in the freezing rain while foraging for the rest of the fresh greenery on her property and for coming to the party early to help set everything out. Now I will know what to expect if I decide to host one next year!


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