Book Favorites :: Crime + Thrillers

Since Book Lover's Day was this past Wednesday, August the 9th ... I am sharing some of my favorite crime and thriller series/novels.

I've always been into mystery and suspense, but had not really gotten into crime novels until a coworker of mine handed me The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I devoured that series. Ever since, I have given many crime thrillers a try. And now I'm obsessed. Thank you.

Here are my favorite crime series (click on each book to buy/download to your Kindle Cloud):

Here are a couple of my favorite thrillers:

{All book cover images from}

I sense a theme here with the word "girl" in the title. Either way, I find these books thrilling and slightly terrifying. Some more than others. Long story short, I like seeing the bad guys come to justice and a mystery solved.


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